Saturday, July 6, 2019

Gerardo Hernandez for Youth Assembly (CA-27) Platform

Gerardo Hernandez for Youth Assembly's (House of Youth Representative's) (CA-27) Platform/Ideas/Vision 

There will be more platform ideas I have further on when my campaign progresses.

1. On my first day of office I will send a letter to the elect U.S. Youth President and Youth Vice President for the formation of the Youth Department of Peace. With the formation of a Youth Department of Peace, we will coordinate not only the international peace relations, but also the many domestic efforts —social work programs, conflict resolution, non-pharmaceutical mental health services, and other local peace-building efforts — in a way that increases their efficacy and begins to genuinely transform the experience of millions of our citizens.

2. If elected, I will introduce a bill to the House of Youth Representatives, that ensures our Youth Government to work with LGBTQIA+ organizations to protect status of individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and provide affirmative psychotherapeutic services to youth, their families, etc.

3. If elected, I will introduce resolution on recognizing the duty of a creation, of a Green New Deal. - A Green New Deal would provide an overall strategy to combat climate change, also for how we can have a clean energy, sustainable infrastructure and transportation, that can revitalize our economy and utilize our innovative and human capacity to benefit all our people.

4. If elected, I will introduce a resolution on recognizing the duty to mandate and provide funding for Farm to School programs that significantly increase servings of fresh vegetables and fruits in secondary and elementary schools in the United States. - Currently we have poor federal standards over school lunches that are causing unhealthy children, these rates are uniquely high in
poor and minority communities and something needs to be done about it.

5. If elected, I will introduce a bill to the House of Youth Representative's, for the protection of tribal sovereignty. - Tribal nations have important needs for infrastructure, education and economic development that are severely underfunded and under-resourced. By passing this bill it would guarantee aid and to strengthen tribal self-governance.

6. If elected, I will introduce a resolution that would recognize the duty to introduce tribal nation annually summits. - This can be helpful in order to discuss and garner feedback on issues relating to planned federal activities that might impact tribal nations.

7. I believe the U.S. Youth Assembly should invest in teacher education programs that provide best practices and developmentally appropriate models of education for our future teachers.

8. Our U.S. Youth Assembly should work closely with veteran advocacy groups and our Youth Congress needs to put forth policies that matter most to our nation's active duty service members and veterans.

9. If elected, I will encourage our U.S. Youth Assembly to adopt a ranked-choice voting model for all Youth Elections. I will also work with the Youth Congress to adopt ranked choice voting for all Youth Elections.

10. I support that the U.S. Youth Assembly should have a investment in a Local Journalism Fund program that will make grants to local media outlets, non-profits, libraries, governments, and public-private partnerships to catalyze transitions to new models of support.

11. If elected I will introduce a bill to the U.S. House Of Youth Representative's to expand community based services for the homeless, allow the homeless to take part in decisions within the U.S. Youth Assembly about long - and short term solutions to their situation, and strengthen and increase funding of mental health and drug rehabilitation systems. -Homeless people have the right to full acknowledgment of their human dignity and a voice in decisions that affect them. And we should care for them as any other person, we should never ignore them, instead we should always help them in need. 

See my platform in my new campaign website here:

Gerardo Hernandez For Youth Assembly (CA-27)

*Quick Note: Here's my pervious blog post, so you guys can understand what this blog post will be about: "Background on the Continental Youth Assembly (CYA) Youth Government and Elections"

Announcement: I am proud to announce my candidacy for the U.S. Youth Assembly's: House of Youth Representative's (District CA-27) for the 2020 Youth Elections!

I did my early bird filing of Form 2: Statement of Candidacy with Federal Electronic Filing System (FEFS).

My campaign moving forward is to hopefully guarantee that my platform/ideas and vision can exist to represent young people, protect their rights, and stand for their interests. I want my campaign to be filled with love and happiness, that way it can be the representation if I'm elected to my apportioned (District CA-27) as part of the House of Youth Representative's.

When certain issues come up or have been marginalized for quite some time, I'll speak the truth and tell it as it is.

(I'll introduce my platform in a separate blog post.)

While this is just the beginning of this campaign, we are just getting started for the long haul. I'm still preparing to form a campaign team, so if anyone wants to join my campaign or has questions overall about the campaign contact me here:

Friday, July 5, 2019

Background on The Continental Youth Assembly (CYA) Youth Government and Elections

Background: The Continental Youth Assembly (CYA) represents young people's interest through members in the United States. (

The CYA has established a Youth Constitution, Youth Government, Youth Congress, and on September 30th, 2020 young people from all across the United States will be invited to participate in the first ever Youth Elections, to elect a Youth Government of the United States. The Youth Elections will include a Youth President, Youth Senate, and House of Youth Representatives.

This is in response to the lack of youth representation in government. The elected youth government will commence in January 2021. (

The CYA established, the Commission on Ratification & Elections (CORE) for the 2020 Youth Elections. CORE has set up a Federal Electronic Filing System (FEFS), it is to provide a much needed service to potential Youth Elections 2020 candidates and the public. 

On August 1st, the 2020 Youth Elections season will kickoff with the FEFS filing website. It has established a registration and filing for candidacy, which will begin August 1st, 2019 - May 1st, 2020. It contains 2 forms: Form 1 is Statement of Organization and Form 2 is Statement of Candidacy. (

The maximum age that a person can seek a election to any elected official in the Youth Government is up to 29 years to age. The elections are the following:

"On January 9th, 2019 the Continental Youth Assembly apportioned 250 house seats. The election will be held on September 30, 2020. Members of this chamber serve a 2 year term, beginning on January 4th, 2021.

Pursuant to the Youth Constitution of the United States, the number of total seats in the Youth Senate will be 100, and each state will receive two seats. The election will be held on September 30, 2021. Members of this chamber will have a four year term, beginning on January 4th, 2021.

Elections will be held to elect a Youth President (President of the Youth Government) on September 30, 2020. This office will have a term of 4 years, beginning on January 30th, 2021." (

Finally as the CYA has previously said before, "the Youth Constitution was established to respond to both the lack of representation included in the US Constitution, and to provide young people with a way to assemble and represent their interests. The Youth Constitution provides that there be national elections to elect a Youth Government to represent young people in the United States. This "Youth Government" is mostly modeled after the United States Government, but responds to the demands of young people. In order to protect their rights, young people must have an elected national body to represent them. The youth government will be modeled after the now-disbanded American Youth Congress." (

*Note you can see the CYA's, Youth Constitution here: (
And here is the 250 House of Youth Representatives District Maps that is near completion: (

Thursday, July 4, 2019

My story

I was born in Inglewood, California in 2003. My mother worked as a nurse for Kaiser Permanente, while my father is currently working as a security guard. I didn't have the best childhood growing up, my mother had abandoned my family multiple times, and my father became a single dad attempting to provide and take care of my sister and myself.

Growing up, my dad's side of the family had helped my father out with taking care of me and my sister, providing us clothes, food, and let us stay at their home for us to live in when we couldn't afford to pay the house rent anymore. I greatly appreciate the sacrifices, support, and love, that my family has done with helping out my dad and taking care of me and sister during those rough times.

As my childhood progressed, so did my knowledge. In 2012 when I was 9, my 2nd grade teacher was making sure the class about the our U.S. Political System and 2012 Presidential Election. Thanks to my teacher I was really invested in politics, and I always hope be part of the political system one day.

Currently I'm in my High School Debate Team as Varsity Debater. I'm forever grateful for High School Debate that has certainly helped me become who I am today. I have the confidence to speak up, learn more knowledge on specific topics, and most importantly being able to speak for myself.

Further more, after the 2016 Democratic Primaries I switched my political affiliation towards the Green Party. My reason for this was because there platform has aligned towards what I believe in, such as: The Original Green New Deal, Pacifism, Abolish ICE, etc. Presently I'm working within Green Party committees which has giving me a lot of gratitude of all the hard work that people within the Green Party has put in, to carry out the party's work. 

Finally as life progresses for me, my knowledge and what I've learned will help me of choosing the life I want. No one is ever perfect and I know for sure that my life isn't, but I always have hope and happiness for everyone's life including mine.